With routine cleaning of trash racks, intake screens, concrete and steel surfaces are critical to the proper operation of hydraulics structures, marine facilities, bridges and other submerged surfaces, GLENN has been instrumental in the development of underwater remote cleaning systems to better service this need.

Cleaning operations are time-consuming, expensive tasks that also can put divers safety at risk. Traditional cleaning methods may require halting operations so divers can clean it manually. Deep water can also be problematic and very costly. 

We utilize underwater remote camera systems viewed real-time topside during and after the cleaning process.  This will allow a permanent record of the area cleaned for inspection and maintenance requirements. We help many types of facilities save time, money and enhance safety with our remote  cleaning and consulting services. 


Get More Information

At Glenn Industrial Group we are all about safety-first underwater construction and repair services. If you have an interest in working with us on your next project or have a question for our staff, we would like to hear from you!